This guide is designed to provide resources for our Graduate level and distance students. There are tips, resources and materials provided which are focused primarily for those groups and their continued success using the library website.
APA Style Guide
Your APA Style Guide should be your go-to resource for all citation help. You can use all sorts of citation managers and auto-fill programs, but none of them are guaranteed to follow the style guide all the time, and with as much as you'll be writing, it will actually take you longer to put all the information in and copy/paste, than it would if you just took some time to get good or somewhat proficient at the basics. Start here. NOTE: APA 7 does distinguish between Professional and Student writing and the format is markedly different!
Purdue Owl
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is the go-to online resource for APA citation. It is perfect for quick reference, and may be used as a replacement for the official APA Style Guide. Purdue Owl APA 7 Guide