The library is does not have direct access to your course or assignments. While we've seen many of them, and work closely with your instructors, you should always check with your instructor first.
Screenshots or video capture is very helpful as well. If you can provide us visual information from the onset, it can help us remedy issues or provide useful instruction that will save you time and energy.
Contact the Academic Resource Center for assistance with online tutoring.
Because our graduate students can be placed anywhere in the world, and are working asynchronously, we know you need materials during times the library is actually closed. We have a page called the Graduate Resource Room to help you with your research papers and the most common issues that the library deals with, so please check that library guide for questions, then if you get stuck, let us know how we can help!
Check out this library guide for help with research papers, peer-reviewed journal articles, primary sources, and more.
Make sure you are optimized for the best experience that you can have. CUNE uses Blackboard as its learning management system, which has its own optimization requirements. That being said, CUNE has chosen to utilize the Microsoft Office Suite to ensure uniformity and eliminate many issues. Make sure you have the following to ensure as optimal experience as can be provided. These utilities are free or provided by CUNE as part of your student package.
Certain librarians would strongly encourage you to use other Internet browsers as your main browser for multiple reasons, however, Blackboard is built and optimized for the Chrome browser. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged to get full functionality, to use this browser, at least while using Blackboard. However, there are other alternatives built on the Chromium framework that can and do work. Internet Explorer/Edge, Safari and Firefox all have issues and can cause issues while in Blackboard.
Microsoft Office 365 for Students
CUNE has provided the Microsoft Office365 Suite to their students for no additional charge. Blackboard is also optimized to use this suite, so save yourself some trouble when turning in assignments, and download the Office Suite. If for some reason you are using a computer that does not allow you to download the Office Suite, understand that Google Docs and other programs can and do impact format, even if exported as a .docx or .pdf.