If you have a particular article in mind and are wondering how to access it, try the steps below first! They may help you find the article without placing an interlibrary loan and save you some time.
Wondering how to access an article? Try these tips to find what you're looking for before placing an ILL request. You might save yourself some time!
1. Search multiple databases. If you didn't find the article you were looking for at first, try searching multiple databases. Many of our databases can be searched all at once in EBSCO. Open a database such as Academic Search Premier, then click on "Choose Databases" and select all before running your search.
2. Search our list of journals. If your initial database search did not yield any results, check to see whether we have access to the journal in which the article was published. It may be in another database, such as JSTOR. From the library home page, use the "Search and Discover" box to run any search.
From the results page, click on the "Resources" menu and select the "A-Z Journal List".
On this page, you can search journal titles or ISSNs to see whether Concordia has access to the journal in which the article was published.
Your results will indicate whether or not Concordia subscribes to this journal, and if so, the date range you can access.
3. Search for an article. You can also search for specific articles using whatever information you have from the article citation by choosing the "Articles" button.
If we do have access to the article, it can be opened using the full text link.
4. Google it! No luck in the databases or journals? Search for the article online! A surprising number of articles are freely available online from places like Elsevier, ResearchGate, and PubMed Central.
If the above steps yielded no results, it may be time to place an interlibrary loan request. See our ILL page for more information or use the form below.