This page answers Frequently Asked Questions about the Library Policies and processes.
Your library card is your CUNE Student ID
You are responsible for all items checked out with your card. We caution you against loaning your card or checking out times for anyone - YOU will be responsible for lost, missing, overdue items and cost
All items are due back to the library by the Wednesday of finals week
Replacement charges for lost, damaged or unreturned items will be assessed. Replacement costs depend on the type of item and availability. Report lost or damaged items immediately.
Interlibrary Loan is a privilege; a separate fine will be assessed for overdue interlibrary loan books. Each item has its own due date as libraries have different loan policies. Since materials are borrowed from other libraries, renewals may or may not be granted. Renewal requests must be made prior to the due date.
Reference, Reserve, and Current Display Periodicals may be checked out1.5 hours before closing and will be due back 1.5 hours after opening the next day